Just Do It… Wait a second


I think of the many sales projects,   from well executed planned and detailed to the many disaster recovery  emergencies I have worked on and how this relates to the “Value Proposition” of  how we sell ourselves.

Before you move forward  with the job you have at hand… have you properly set your value?

When a project is properly outlined including the hours spent, the skills needed, the labor, developing, implementing and reviewing the success of the  and solution of  the problem and projected resolution with the people and key decision makers.

You establish value.

Add to this the possibility in having actively a principal or key decision maker sit physically  by your side in the development and or resolution of a problem, disaster recovery  or a project.

You establish value.

The value you add to the  project, company and immediate team is  measured in accolades,  affirmation and results in Dollar$  confidence and future business.

Just do it!  mentality of getting things done?

Do the same exact work, design, study,  project, disaster recovery, resolve  without supervision, without engaging documentation and without someone else putting a little skin in the game  and well you know what happens once you are done.  No Value established. No participation NO  NOTHING!

Same end result  but you are missing the value of you in your result in the eyes of who matters most.

It is a dangerous point to get to but if you do a fantastic job you get to the following:

We trust you…

Just get it done!

Go ahead solve it, order it take care of it. blank checkbook.

How soon can you get here?

Just tell me when it is done.

This is both a rewarding goal to get to in any business relationship  and at the same time and  extremely dangerous position for all of us in maintaining our value..

So many times we  “Just Do IT” be it the  interest of time. the situation and the value of our brilliant  “A Ha”  moments wasted. the working till 3 AM in the morning waisted,  the effort the same completion and  the value lost.  I am reminded of  Star Trek and Captain Kirk shouting to Scottie … “Just fix it Scottie give me more power! and Scottie yelling back “Aye Captain”.

Problem here is?

Just Do It   Attitude  +  No Decision Maker Interaction  = Devaluation of  Worth

Worth and value is tangible measurement in everything we do. It is  generated in the eyes of the executive staff or for that matter  everyone and anyone is paid.

My resolution to  a “Just Do It”  personality is in stopping and  including the  Participation & Design + Documentation + Outline + Executive Involvement even if you send a text  or email at 3AM when you completed the project  in quick and efficient terms.

The next time you are challenged to “Just Do It”  stop and include the thought of how you will include decision maker engagement and include  worth & value in everything you do.

You will be glad you did.