When you type or speak a search request what happens?
- You type or speak a search request into a google App or search bar
- Next your search is not done on the web but rather at Google’s enormous facilities.
- What happens at Google ?
- Well within about 1/2 of a second Google checks a sequenced 200 variable Algorythm for your request and respond with an ever evolving software to supply you with the best responsive solution. The Google software and this secret algorithm is the world’s most searched software that believes it has the answer you are looking for.
- Do once your search makes it through the 200 variable Algorytm out comes your Google reply.
- Google sends out what we call a search bot or robot to scrub the web looking for strings and streams of information.
- The Bots return to Google and goole cleverly indexes and stores the found information with in the google Data Center
- Did You know? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of getting your company into the first page of replies to the search stream of Googles algorithm?
- Responses consist of Organic messages (Unpaid) in the main content along with purchased ad’s that include bids on your searchable keywords.
Here is a great google video to watch on what happens to your google search.
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