Got Social?
Getting Social??
In business, getting social is a new task about many background tasks.
Rules of Marketing = Exposure
Touches = Exposure
The more qualified touches you make is always a plus for your exposure
Exposure methods come from all directions, and a huge touch in today’s biz model is to include a consistent marketing scope that extends your touches to social media.
I am excited to announce a true find in a new social media software/tool I’ve recently invested time, money & resources into; it’s a heck of a techie product that helps my customers. This clever tool allows me to establish a business goal, with an execution strategy for social media touches;  Why? Because social media is about publishing and up to now, we are missing a way to get all your timely & consistent information to your customers.
I’m reminded of a class from years ago… it has stuck with me.
Good, profitable technology is about information dissemination.
Build as many doorways as possible to your product and information.
The goal of great marketing is exposure.
Or in short… If you can help me get all of my information locked up over there, out to my customers and employees over here, in a scheduled and efficient way, show me how it benefits my needs and I’ll buy it.
Social media allows you this doorway at a reasonably low investment.
Get Social!!!
Let’s talk soon.