According to Google Analytics Academy

There are 5 Fundamental Design Objectives for Websites.


5 Web Design Goals  



Branding Drive Awareness, Engagement and Loyalty
Lead Generation Obtain Contact Information for Sales Prospects
Content Publishing   Engagement and frequent visitation for Ads shown to visitors
Ecommerce  Sell Products or Services
Online Info/ Support Help Customers in a Support Role

[checklist icon=”fa-check” iconcolor=”” circle=”” circlecolor=”#dd3333″ size=”13px” class=”” id=””][li_item icon=””][/li_item][li_item icon=””][/li_item][li_item icon=””][/li_item][li_item icon=””][/li_item][li_item icon=””][/li_item][/checklist][tagline_box backgroundcolor=”” shadow=”no” shadowopacity=”0.1-1″ border=”1px” bordercolor=”” highlightposition=”right, left, top or bottom” content_alignment=”” link=”” linktarget=”” modal=”” button_size=”” button_shape=”” button_type=”” buttoncolor=”e.g. green, darkgreen, orange, blue, red, pink, darkgray, lightgray or leave blank” button=”Reference Site TMA” title=”We build incredibly responsive websites, with refreshingly clean designs directed to any user using any device Smartphones, Tablets or Desktops. Built and designed around your Brand” description=”And we include some awesome features, premium sliders, click to call and tap a map for mobile, unlimited colors, advanced theme choices and so much more!” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””][/tagline_box]

Which of the 5 design objective(s)  does your desktop website and mobile website fall into?

First step REXP basics… Choose 1 or more of the 5 objectives above and build around this design.


Keep It Simple  Business Decision Steps
Branding Logo, Themes, Colors, and Fonts conform
Lead Generation Make your forms easy to access and complete
Content Publishing Create a library of resources. Available
ECommerce Most shopping carts sell less than 3 items, does this fit your business model?
Support/Tools Endless Possibilities, PDF Catalogs, Forms Brochures, Videos